Saturday, March 15, 2008

Why Walk?

I first heard about the Breast Cancer 3-day from a former college roommate of mine. I was impressed by her motivation (walking 60 miles over the course of 3 days certainly doesn't sound like a cake walk) but I shrugged it off as another thing too big for me to accomplish...I tend to be someone who sits back and watches other people play a part in changing the world.

Shortly after hearing about the event, my sister called. She said that she had discovered a hard, pea-sized lump in her breast and asked if I could pray for her and the situation. After having it checked, the doctor had asked her to keep an eye on it for a week and then check in again. During that week, her and I discussed the reality of breast cancer. We talked about the "what if's" and about the situations that we had heard about of women, our age, who were fighting this cancer. We talked about our young kids and thought about the many kids who were without their mom because of this disease. I think that is when I really started to consider that maybe the 3-day was an event that I should be involved in. Maybe I didn't need to wait to know someone who had lost their battle with breast cancer or maybe I didn't need to be discouraged by the amount of money I would have to raise and the amount of training I would have to do. Maybe I could make a difference in the lives of people already facing this tragedy!

The lump in my sister's breast is not gone. The doctor is fairly comfortable that it isn't something she needs to worry about. He has asked her to watch it for a month and she is still deciding whether she wants to take the next step of having a biopsy done...but in the meantime, this has been the push her and I needed to get us on board. After quite some time of dragging our feet, we have finally signed up and committed to this 3-day, 60-mile walk. I hope you will follow our journey up to this event, which will take place on September 19-21st. I thank you for your support!


Anonymous said...

Hi! Just wanted to let you know that you can now boost your fundraising efforts and promote your Breast Cancer 3-Day participation by putting a widget on your blog. Anyone who clicks on your widget will be taken directly to your 3-Day online donation form.

To get yours, just log in to site.

lissy said...

I love your describation of this walk. I hope you raise a lot of money.